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Tripoli alleys

Writer's picture: opacafrondeopacafronde

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

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Hac hebdomada exitus perquam laetanter diuulgamus illius experimenti didactici, quod et apud Facultatem Litterarum Christianarum et Latinarum Uniuersitatis Studiorum Pontificiae Salesianae et per interrete (sede nostra interretiali interueniente) fecimus: haicu quidem Anglicum legeretur ac diligenter a discipulis sodalibusque perpenderetur, ut ipsi deinde suam singuli nouam ederent interpretationem Latinam. Hic uerum lectoribus eas proposuimus, quas dignas, ut diuulgarentur, duximus.

Omnes idem quidem Latine sunt interpretati haicu Anglicum et uere lepidissimum, quod praeclarus haicuum scriptor exarauit Danyel Borner; sed, ut cuique per se profecto patuerit, etsi idem uerterint haicu sodales, suam quaeque exhibet uersio indolem sibi peculiarem per diuersum syntaxeos necnon uerborum usum; ita uerum, ut eandem imaginem pluries ac semper quodammodo diuersam mente nobis refingere uideamur legentes: nunc uiculi eminent et locum obtinent praestantiorem, nunc nidorem patulis olfacimus naribus, nunc halant fragrantque uiculi compitaque antiquae Tripolitanae urbis, fabas suaueolentes manibus uersare uidemur, aut ipsam cafeae fragrantiam tamquam bonum commune ducimus omnium Tripolitanorum ciuium, immo uero omnium orbis terrarum incolarum... Videmus, tangimus, olfacimus, sapimus... Eadem et ipsa continenter rescribitur ac repingitur imago...

Quod quidem experimentum uim ostendit maximam poeseos uerborumque necnon sermonis semper renscentis Latini.

Sed nugas tandem mittamus et his lepidis haicubus fruamur Latinis!

Grates agimus ingentissimas Latino poetae ac magistro praeclarissimo Mauro Pisini, qui nos et haicu et tempore donauit, quo hoc ageretur experimentum.

This week we happily publish the results of a didactic experiment, that we performed both "live" at the Faculty of Christian and Latin Literature of the Pontificial Salesian University and online. We gave our students and friends an English haiku to read and examine diligently, asking them to provide their new and original Latin translation. We exhibit here to our readers those translations, that we deemed suited to publication.

They all translated the same beautiful haiku (written by the renowned haiku author Danyel Borner), but each of them shows a different and peculiar character by a different use of synatx and words. So that so everytime we read a different translation of the same haiku, we seem to picture a different image: now the alleys are prominent in the text, now we perceive with our nostrils the fragrance of coffee, now it's the alleys and the crossroads of old Tripoli that exhale coffee's perfume, we seem to hold in our hands those little fragrant coffee seeds or we look at the smell pervading the streets as a common good of all the people of Tripoli, indeed of the world... We see, we touch, we smell, we taste... The same image is continually rewritten and painted anew...

This experiment shows the great strength of words and poetry and of the Latin language always reborn.

But down with our kids' plays and let's enjoy these beautiful Latin haiku!

We deeply thank the renowned Latin poet and professor Mauro Pisini, who donated us of a haicu and the time to perform this experiment.

- Flaminius scripsit -


Tripoli alleys -

The smell of roasted coffee

Belongs to all

Vicoli di Tripoli -

Il profumo del caffè tostato

Appartiene a tutti

- Danyel Borner -


Tripolis in uiculis

Tosti cafei odore

Omnes fruuntur

- Maurus Pisini -

Triuium Oeense -

Nidor cafei tosti

Totis naribus

- Nataliola -

Per Tripolis tostum

Cafeum halat uiculos

omnibus unà

- Flaminius -

Tripolis in uiculis

cafeum fragrat tostum

Omnibus laetis

- Anselmus -

Tripolis in uiculis

Fragrantia cafei

Spectat ad omnes

- Iosephus -

Omnibus fragrat

Faba coffeae tosta

Tripolis uicis

- Fabia -

Vici Tripolis -

Odor cafei tosti

Bonum est commune

- Logodaedalus -

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